One of the best commands of the Connections, with this command you will be able to delete any message in any connection with any filter you want
Command Syntax
/purge !:limit :connection :type :input :frozen
Only trusted admins and the physical owner can run this command.
This is the number of messages that you want to purge in the connection, the maximum is 100 and the minimum is 2
The connection option is in which connection you want to purge the messages from, but why is this option optional? Connections will try to get the connection of the current channel is it’s not provided, otherwise Connections will use the connection you provided
This is the most powerful option in this command, with this you will filter the messages you want easily.
This option is required for certain types like when we want to purge messages from a user, so we need to pass the user that we want to purge in the input option
Frozen Messages
This option tells Connections whether Connections should ignore frozen messages or delete them as well.
See about frozen messages in the features page
When you use purge, Connections will automatically log the purge in the logs channel